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Motivation | Top Five Fastest Ways To Learn Anything


Motivation |

Top five fastest ways to learn anything 

  • So, let us begin with the topic,

  • Two genius math professors who spent their whole lives in understanding maths and students. He wanted to know how we should think exactly.

  • So that we can perform best, generate the best ideas, or understand any new concept as quickly as possible. The names of these two math professors are Edward Berger and Michael Starbird. 

  • And they also discovered five such elements from which our mind will be able to think deep. In this post, we will read about these elements and try to understand them in easy language. so let us begin our topic,

(a). Understand Deeply

  • Once when the teacher handed Varun the exam sheet, Varun noticed that he had got very less marks in the exam. Due to which Varun got a little upset, he could not understand how this could happen. 

  • He said to the friend sitting next to him that how can this happen? I used to know the answer to every question in this paper and hardly I would have made one or two mistakes in this paper but so few marks came.

  • Edward says that Varun could have got good marks if he had learned the basics well instead of just memorizing the facts. Whenever we are learning something new, we should learn it by going into detail.

  • Varun's method of learning was similar to that of very young class children, focusing only on remembering things without knowing why it was correct. 

  • That is why if we are remembering something, then instead of focusing on just one thing, we should try to understand that thing in full detail. So that we can fully imagine it just by looking at that thing.

  • To understand any concept deeply, we have to understand this special quote of Einstein, who says that "The Whole of Science is Merily a Refinement of Everyday Thinking" i.e. the whole science is derived from understanding our life.

  • Bubonic plague struck England in 1665. To ensure that this plague did not spread much, the places of education were closed Newton and all the other children were sent home. Newton spent the next two years at his aunt's house. 

  • Where Newton had memorized the fundamental concepts of calculus and also gave the laws of physics. Many people thought that Newton must have thought of very big concepts. But these concepts were made by Newton himself by asking very simple questions.

  • For example, the speed at which an apple is falling from a tree, and from that he developed the concepts of derivatives. And thinking how far the apple would go if we knew its speed, from that Newton created the concept of integrals. The second way to understand concepts in detail is, 

  • Ready To Challenge The Basic Idea
  • The long-standing theory of Aristotle holds that if you throw two objects from a height, the heavier object will fall first and then the lighter one.

  • But this does not actually happen and to prove it, Galileo Galilei climbed the Leaning Tower of Pisa in 1588 AD and dropped the balls of two dimensions. One was of iron and the other of wood. 

  • When people saw, both the balls fell together, which proving that no matter the weight, anything can fall first if air resistance is neglected.

(b). Do not fear making mistakes

  • In 1970, three friends thought that they would try something big and for this, they put rubber on the road. So that whatever vehicles go through that rubber piece, then the sensor installed in that rubber piece will know how much traffic is there in that road?

  • And this new startup was named Traf O Data. Although it was a good idea and a little revenue was also generated from this business. But later it failed miserably. Now it is common that many of you readers must be feeling bad about the founders of this startup that despite having such a good idea, it did not succeed that much.

  • But the founders of this startup did not feel so bad. And by using what those founders had understood from the concepts of machine computing from this startup, they opened another new startup. Whereas this time this startup was given a good name.

  • And we all know that startup as Microsoft and those founders were Paul Allen and Bill Gates. And very few people know about his story. 

  • So now this question can come to the mind of you (readers), that if we are very afraid of failure, then what should we do?

  • For this Edward and Michael give the concept and which they say fail nine times. For any creative achievement, we need lessons and we get to know these lessons only from our mistakes. Now if you remember the rule that you have to fail nine times, next time you will not say that your efforts are in vain.

  • Rather let us think that once failed means about 10 percent of work is done and now I just have to work hard eight more times to fail, after that success is mine.

  • Michael Jordan says that "I missed more than nine thousand shots in my career, I lost more than three hundred games. Twenty-six times the whole match was dependent on me and in that, I had to play the winning shots, which I missed. I Lost, lost, and lost again, but these are the reasons why I won."

  • So what do we learn from this?
  • Attempt again and again even if you fail in life. It is necessary to practice only one thing and this rule also applies to our academic studies. The more we practice, the better we will get results. 

  • The third effective way to increase your thinking skills

(c). Dare to raise questions

  • Edward says that the answer finds our brain, but the real issue is that we do not know how to ask effective questions.

  • The questions are so important that an entire book has been written on them. And this book is named "Questions Are the Answers" by Allan Peace.

  • Like if we ask ourselves the question "How can I top the exam?" This is an ineffective question whereas the real question is to ask ourselves "How do I enjoy my studies? So that I can study longer."

  • Similarly, if we want to do some exercise, we should not ask ourselves, "How do I do this exercise?" 

  • Rather we should think that "I will do a little more exercise every day. And in no time I will be able to do my work out well."

  • How can questions benefit us?
  • We try to understand a real example related to this. On January 28, 1986, the USA's Space Shuttle Challenger exploded. And in which all the crew members were killed. No one seemed to know what the issue was? Or whose fault was it?

  • After all, a committee was set up to investigate this issue and this committee had the topmost minds of America, out of which some were from the field of chemistry, some from physics, and some from mechanics. 

  • And all these members were asking different quality questions, but even then no one was able to know what happened with this Challenger Spacecraft?

  • A famous personality on this committee was Richard Feynman and he asked a very simple question that we learn in fifth or sixth grade that anything expands when heated while it contracts when cooled.

  • So Richard Feynman asked that the O rings fitted in the Space Shuttle would shrink if they were cooled, but they would not come back to their original shape when they came back to normal temperature.

  • For which he molded the small O ring in ice water in front of everyone and showed it after removing it but it did not come back in its shape.

  • And this was actually the reason for the explosion of the Space Shuttle. The day before launch, the temperature was too low, due to which the O rings shrunk and did not return to their original shape at the right temperature. Which led to leakage and finally the blast.

  • Then the fourth effective way to increase your thinking skills

(d). The flow of ideas

  • This concept says that to generate new ideas, learn from old ideas. Do any of you know that Sir Isaac Newton is not the first person who created mathematical concepts of calculus?

  • Gottfried von Leibniz also discovered calculus at the same time as Sir Newton. Now the amazing thing is that calculus was not a brand new idea rather an old concept. 

  • This is because all the concepts needed to construct the concepts of integrals and derivatives according to Mathematicians had already been created for the rest of the Mathematicians. And the concepts of Calculus were just an improvement from the earlier concepts.

  • That's why Newton also said that "I can see further because I stand on the shoulder of giants" i.e. I could understand better because I read the work of other scientists.

  • From this, we should understand that new ideas are generated from old ideas only. Let us understand this with another example,

  • When the Lebanese published the concepts of calculus in 1684, it was only six pages, but when we study calculus in school, many books are 1300 pages.

  • So the question comes, where did calculus come from with six pages we came to know by reading above. But where did the rest of the pages come from?

  • So the answer is that all the rest of the pages are iterations of those six pages, which means they have their applications, their examples, and questions related to them. So the scholars who think,

  • how do our teachers remember so many pages?
  • So the only answer is that they don't remember. But they know the basic concepts very well. 

  • And the rest of the concepts are derived from the same basic ideas.

  • That is why, whether it's for a goal or for studies, work as hard on yourself as you can. 

  • Because for any kind of perfection, it is very important to understand the basics very well.

  • Here comes the fifth most effective way to increase your learning

(e). Way of the quintessential element

  • According to the Greeks, everything is made up of five elements – Earth, Fire, Water, Air. And lastly the quintessential element, that is, the element that can take the form of any element. That is why this concept also teaches us the same.

  • To understand this concept let us take an example of tennis. Suppose you have come to learn tennis. First, you close your eyes and tell the person in front of you that you throw the ball and then you try to hit that ball.

  • After that, it is said again in the same way in the mind, but now with the eyes open. And you see how your racket is touching the ball. You play every shot with your eyes open and keep transforming your own playing style. So that you continue to be a good player.

  • And eventually, you become good enough that by looking at the present location of the ball, you can predict what the future location of the ball will be. Even you start guessing the moments of the player in front of you.

  • All this happened because you were acting like a quintessential element, that is, you were being transformed. 

  • Therefore, if anyone shares an idea with you, then listen to his ideas. And if he keeps his good ideas, then we should also accept his ideas.

Important note

  • Hope you like to read it, share it as much as can possible, and please take care of your health.

  • So Readers, what do you think is the most effective way to improve your thinking and why?

  • Write it down in the comment section, and do not forget to share it.


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