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Motivation | Ways To Stop Overthinking Instantly | Top Five Ways

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Ways to stop overthinking instantly

Our topic is based on overthinking, its effects, 

And powerful ways to stop the overthinking immediately or instantly. Moreover, If you want to know Top habits that will destroy your life and What are its various solutions, then click here.

So, let us begin with our topic. Following are the top five ways in detail,

(a). Stop worrying about anything  Or 

Do not worry unnecessarily about criticism

  • There was an event in 1929, due to which there was a lot of sensation in the educational community. People from every corner of America had come to Chicago to see that incident, so what happened there?

  • What actually happened was that a boy who first worked as a waiter, then he took up the job of sawing wood, then he became a salesman in a clothes shop.

  • And finally, he became the president of America's one of the top universities when he was only 36 years old. That boy was none other than Robert Maynard Hutchins. Some professors there did not like it very much, that even after so many years of hard work, they could not reach there.

  • And many people were criticizing him too, that he is a very inexperienced boy. So someone was saying that its ideas are not good at all, don't know why it was made the president of such a good university? Even in many newspapers, this thing was not being called right.

  • Once a friend asked Robert's father that he was not feeling well when he was reading the newspaper. Don't you have a problem with this? So on this, he replied that, no, I don't mind it at all because everyone kicks the living dog. 

  • This meant that criticism is also of the same person, people who are famous in any of their fields, people talk about them. Why would people talk about a person who has not done anything in life?

  • Similarly, once Prince of Wales, who later became Edward Eighth. He attended Naval Academy at the age of 14. Once the naval officer saw that the prince was sitting on the shore, sadly. The officer asked the reason for his unhappiness, then on asking many times, the prince told that all the other boys kick him.

  • On hearing this, the naval officer caught all those boys and asked them about it. So after asking a lot, those boys answered that we know that we will grow up to be captains or commanders in this prince's army, and will be working under this prince. So for this, we will follow his order then, when someone trolls us at that moment, then we will to him that we have also kicked this prince.

  • From this, we come to know that when someone does evil to someone, it gives him a feeling of importance. And they feel that they have done some work from which they should get importance. So whenever someone does evil to you, there is no use in overthinking.

  • With this at least you will be able to keep yourself happy and healthy.

(b). Do not worry about ingratitude, Rather find your happiness in that help or in the work itself

  • Let us try to get this point simply, Dale Carnegie says he had a friend who always felt that his stepson never appreciated his work. 

  • He used to work all day in a box-making factory and by borrowing money from it, he was taking good care of his children, getting those children to study in a good school, working as a porter himself. So that he could keep his family happy, and he never complained. But never any member of his family even said thanks to him, rather everyone thought that it was his duty.

  • Dale says to this, "After all, who was at fault in this?", Was it his fault for the one who didn't thank, or the one who expected the thanks? Dale answers that there is no doubt that it is the fault of his family members, but it is also the fault of the person who expected thanks.

  • In fact, this thing is almost in the nature of every human being that he forgets after taking favors, and he is more attracted to negative things than good things. Write in the comment section of this post below, what do you think that if you leave a lot of money for someone, then he will appreciate you very much?

  • Andrew Carnegie, who came on the list of the richest man in the past, did the same, he left 10 crores for his other family members. So it seems that those members must have sung his praises, but rather they felt bad that Andrew had donated 3000 crores.

  • That's why Dale says that we should never expect thanks from anyone after helping or doing some struggle. Rather, find your happiness in that help or in the work itself. With this, we will save ourselves from overthinking as well as improve ourselves.

(c). Use the easy formula of Stop Loss

  • It is a very popular formula to stop overthinking about useless things. A famous author Dale Carnegie Says I implemented the concept of trading called "stop-loss" in my life. He says that he has decided not to think about anything more than a particular time. And by this, he will save his time from being wasted.

  • For example, Dale Carnegie says he had another friend, who always came late for lunch, no matter how many calls I made. 

  • Then after that, he adopted this stop-loss strategy and after which he told his friend that he would wait for him only for a while. If he comes on time, fine, otherwise he will have lunch alone. Due to which Dell was saved from eating not well and unnecessary overthinking.

  • Another example from one of the famous entrepreneurs and motivational speaker Tony Robbins, who uses the same strategy, saying it is not that he doesn't overthink or get stressed. 

  • All he has decided is that he will not stay in this state of mind for more than fifteen minutes and will quickly shift himself to some other work. For example, in some exercise, in book reading, or in any task that he starts feeling good at doing.

(d). Ask some questions to yourself

  • Let us try to understand this with another example, once an oil dealer came to know that some employees of his company are doing some illegal work. In fact, they used to give less oil to the customers, rather they used to sell the remaining oil to someone else and earn money. 

  • The oil dealer came to know about this from a government employee, which scared the oil dealer even more. And he tells that he had started overthinking, and because of the stress, his health also started deteriorating a bit. He didn't really understand what to do and what not to do? Because all the illegal work was being done by some wrong thinking employees.

  • After thinking a lot, he asked himself some questions, 

  • What is the thing worst that can happen to that incident? Whose answer was that his company could be closed. But he will be saved because he did not make a mistake. 

  • After that, he thought that even if something like this happens, What will happen after that? So the answer was that he would have to work under someone because he had a lot of expertise in the oil business, then it would not be too problematic for him to get a good job.
  • And finally, he asked himself if this is what is happening to him, can he make it better? After asking a lot of experts, he came to know that if he goes and tells everything to the judge, then there are many chances that his company will also be saved, and he will have to pay only a small fine.

  • Asking such questions to himself, the maximum stress of that oil dealer was over. And he decided to tell everything to the judge, and he did the same. 

  • After this, he came to know a wonderful thing that he came to know that the government employee who told him all this and also asked for a bribe. Actually, he was not a government employee, but he himself was a very big swindler. And by doing this the oil dealer became completely stress-free.

  • Another example,
    • If we come to know about the founder of Zerodha, Nitin Kamath, he always releases stress with the same strategy. It has happened sometimes that investors have lost money due to technical issues in Zerodha's platform. 

    • Due to which many people criticize him. But Nitin's first question is to himself that how bad can this situation be? Even before making a business deal with anyone, he asks himself some questions and he himself told this in an interview.

(e). Do not try to shred

  • Let us try to understand this, once a student was always in tension and kept thinking about something. Like, he got fewer marks in the last exam, what will he do now? If the syllabus of a subject is not completed, then the tension of that student about what will happen to him now, and many more.

  • But once his math teacher came to the class, and he asked all the children to go to the laboratory. After that when all the children reached the lab, the teacher came there, but she had a glass of milk in her hand. Everyone standing there was surprised that What is this glass doing in the hands of the math teacher? What does she want to teach us? 

  • Then the teacher threw that glass into the sink and said that now do not shout for the fallen glass. Then the teacher again said that all of you carefully look at this milk. And remember one thing of my whole life that as this milk has gone inside the sink, not a single drop of it will come back due to your shouting or doing anything. 

  • Well, in the same way, there have been many such incidents in your life, about which you cannot bring them back as much as you think. That's why always go ahead and improve what is under your control.

  • After this, he started saying that after this incident so much improvement came in him that instead of overthinking, he focused more on improving himself and became better too.

  • So, if you want more points in detail, then read the book" how to stop worrying" by Dale Carnegie. Whereas do not worry, we already covered the most important points in very simple language with their meanings, and we will together cover further points in upcoming posts.

Important note,

So hope you enjoy reading this, please share it with more people so that they can also take advantage of it after reading it, and you came here thanks a lot. 

Please take care of your health. 

Write in the comment section what is your opinion about these special points?


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