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Importance Of Environment Also Its Role


Importance Of Environment Also Its Role



Everything we see around us is part of our environment. It plays an important role in the birth, development and elimination of any organic and antibiotic material.  

According to the environment, these substances can sustain or develop on their existence.

Person is developing due to this environment.  

But we have been contaminating and destroying the natural environment around us for our development. It is now warning us that how essential to understand our environment, instead of polluting and destroying it, we should balance it along with development.

We are surrounded by the environment around us.  Wind, water, plants, animals, humans, many more, are all elements of the environment.  Without environment, any kind of life is impossible.  The physical conditions and other characteristics of any country develop only from the environment.  The place or country whose environment is healthy, it means country is equally healthy and developed.  


Any country is not called developed simply by making big factories, buildings, roads, or technologies.


 Nodoubt, technologies give us many benefits, Whereas if physical development as well as environmental development will be given importance only then a country can progress in a well manner.  Otherwise it will remain as a forest without air.  

How A Healthy Environment Is Important?

 Direction of any small or big country can decide by its healthy environment,  If any one element of the environment is manipulated, its results can be very painful.  But people are still keeping encouraging themselves on this way due to their development in various things.  

Now we should stop harming the priceless gift of nature due to our selfishness. Adopt natural remedies, things instead of indulge in other harmful, dangerous things or pollute it by tapping uncontrolled. If a person is determined then he can save this environment by adopting many small measures.  Planting trees on every possible point, not polluting the rivers in terms of superstitious, limited deforestation for wood, not using chemicals in farming, etc.  Development of science and technology is very vital for the earth and for animals living in it, but not at the cost of the environment.  We must use these techniques but also make sure that it does not cause any harm to our environment (Similarly, we can protect our self also).

We must keep in mind that a clean environment is very important to live a healthy life.  So, it is our moral responsibility to protect our environment and try to keep it always healthy(as it helpful to stay our mind calm, which is very much vital for get fitness).


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