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Motivation | World Most Peaceful Painting

Motivation | World Most Peaceful Painting 

What is motivation?

If you want to do something big then choose your own path, no matter how difficult the path is, go ahead in any case. 

This world will always show a new form, but when you get your destination, then this world will come follow you as inspiration. 

Cross the biggest obstacles wisely, attack your inner weakness with all your might. Every challenge becomes small, make yourself like this.

 If want to achieve success, then you have to give up laziness, if you want to shine, you have to burn yourself(passion). If want to change life, then first of all you have to change yourself. Put your work first instead only talk, old habits will fall down you just for a little fun, they will be pushed back a lot.

 But we have to keep our focus only on our goal, and the goal is to improve ourselves and if possible to set an example for the world. Do not consider yourself less than anyone, we also have something in us. If you are determined, nothing is impossible, you just have to get up, walk, and keep improving yourself without stopping. There is no doubt in this, success is our right.


These lines said by one of the famous motivational person, always try to focus on improving, either little, or much. If you want to know about our last post that is, The Real Struggler, Mirabai Chanu Biography, Who Shined In Recent Tokyo Olympics?

World Most Peaceful Painting Competition

  • Once a huge art gallery declared a contest, in which they announced that whoever creates the world's best painting depicting peace, will receive a reward of ten million dollars.

    •  This news spread all over the world, and thousands of painters sent their paintings to participate in that contest. In those thousands of paintings, the judges shortlisted a hundred paintings. And put up an exhibition of those hundred paintings. In that exhibition, not only all the painters were called, as well as the media and a crowd of thousands of people had also gathered. 

    • Since the prize amount was so big, it was everyone's interest that who would win? How would that painting be? And who will be that painter, who will get such a big reward?

    • Finally, when the exhibition took place, there was a huge crowd. Those paintings were also worth seeing, and all the paintings were presenting peace in a unique way more than one. Some of the paintings had the biggest crowd. 

    Peaceful Paintings

    • For example, there was a painting, in which there was a river of absolutely clear water, along with some mountains on which the snow was frozen and sunrise was happening from behind.

    •  There was another painting, in which there was a river of calm water, and the water was so clear that anything around could be felt in it and the sky was completely dark, except that some stars were shining in it. Beyond that, the painting depicts clear skies above, green grass below and clear paths in which one path leads from the forest to the mountains, while the other way is clear. That means, all the paintings were such that the mind becomes calm. 

    • The contest was very difficult, as all the paintings were very good. It was very hard for the judges to shortlist which painting is the best. But that moment has come in which the judges set their mind and choose a best painting. And put that painting behind a big curtain, in front of were sitting all the painters who had paintings there, and the media as well as thousands of people.

    • Everyone's curiosity was increasing, because the reward was huge. But as soon as they removed the curtain, everyone saw that painting, and they were surprised. No one could understand what was happening. Since that winning painting was not representing peace in any way, everyone thought that the judge or someone else had made a mistake.

    • So some of the Painters got up, and they asked, is this a mistake? So on the question the owner(where the exhibition was taking place), he smiled a little and told that this painting is absolutely right, and the judges have chosen it here. All the Painters got a little angry, on this all the media people went to that owner and started asking questions.

    • The owner smiled a little again and started saying that before asking anything, go close and observe this painting carefully. Maybe you feel something really cool. There was a very strong storm in that painting, there was a typhoon, everything was getting destroyed, there were winds, and lightning in the sky. But there was also a house in it, in which a man was standing on a small window. Only looking at him carefully, it is revealed that there was no fear on her face, but there was a slight smile, there was a pause, a calmness, and that is the real meaning of peace.

    • That means, peace does not mean that everything is calm outside us, then we are calm, because it is temporary. Real peace means that we are completely calm inside rather than whatever is happening outside us. Our mind is calm, because the one whose mind is not calm, take him anywhere, he will still be in search of peace. On the other hand, the one whose mind is calm, whatever is happening outside, whatever the weather may be, but he will remain completely calm from inside. And,

    • This is the actual meaning of peace.

    So Readers, What do you think about the above super motivation story?

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