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How To Study With Full Concentration? | How To Read Anything With Full Concentration | Top Important Rules To Get Focus

Motivation | How To Read Anything With Full Concentration?

How to study with full concentration?

So, readers, we come will new, fresh topic and it is very famous all over the world either in students or in adults that how to read anything or study with full concentration? 

 In this topic, you will get to know the following things, and these are as follows,

Completion of work depends upon?

What are deep work and shallow work?

What is the concept of programming of the mind?

 How can single-tasking, zero distraction, or intense focus improve one's concentration?

What is Zero Distraction?

What are some very important rules to get focus?

What are the different approaches or philosophies to become better?

Write down below in the comment section about any of your suggestions?

Moreover, if you want to know about different ways to stop overthinking instantly, then click here. Let us begin our topic with one question and it is,

  • How long should I study every day to get a good result? Almost everyone has asked this question to his teacher. Write in this post's comment section, did you ask this question to your teacher or not?

  • How much output can we give? Or how much effort can we put into our work? Instead of asking or thinking about these questions, we think better about how long we study so that we can achieve success.

  • Well, let us try to understand our topic a little deeper. Cal Newport, who has done his Ph.D. from Massachusetts Institute of Technology ie MIT, and after this he is currently working as a professor at Georgetown University. 

  • He says in one of his famous books called "Deep Work" that the completion of the work depends on the time spent and our intensity of focus. In fact, according to Cal, people work in two ways, one is deep work and the other is shallow work. 

  • Let us try to know in a little more depth that, 

  • What are the Deep Work and Shallow Work?

    • If we hone our skills without any distraction and with complete concentration so that we can achieve more things, it means we are in deep work. While we do such work in which our brain is being used very little and that work can be done even with destruction, then we are doing Shallow work.

    • For example, if we are doing other things while working, such as viewing emails, responding to notifications, or running social media, then it means that we are doing Shallow Work. On this, Cal says that doing deep work has become very rare in this world of distractions and that is why skills are very valuable and whoever has some skills in the future, will be the best performer in his field.

    • He continues this and says that we have to take care of some special things while doing deep work. Which includes single-tasking, zero distraction, intense focus, and extended duration. Now, What are these and, 

How can single-tasking, zero distraction, or intense focus improve one's concentration?

  • Many types of research have proved that multitasking lowers our intention, and our concentration starts going down. Whenever we shift from one task to another, our attention remains on the old task for a long period. Due to which we are not able to fully focus on other tasks.

  • For example, Whenever we do a little response on social media, we may wonder what difference it will make? 

  • But our mind is being programmed for craving for distractions. And sometimes we start checking our social media, again and again, this is a great example of programming of the mind.

  • What is the concept of programming of the mind? 

    • A very interesting study was done on this. This is as follows, once the researchers took a test from the participants and gave them some puzzles to solve. In which half of the people who had not even solved the puzzles yet were interrupted saying that you have to go with us because you have to make some important decisions. And then some logical questions were asked from them. 

    • Whereas the other group was allowed to complete the puzzles and later they were asked the same logical questions. Now it is natural that you would also like to know what was the result after all?

    • So the answer is that apparently those who had solved the puzzles completely performed better in that test, Instead of other groups that were disturbed in the middle. 

    • And the reason for this was that they had that puzzle in his mind, due to which they could not perform well. 

  • What is Zero Distraction, the word is clear that any kind of distraction is forbidden. But is it possible?

    • Once the research was done, in which two psychologists studied two hundred and five people. From which it was found that people can stop themselves from going to social media only up to fifty percent. 

    • That means people will be distracted by social media or anything else fifty times out of a hundred. And if this study is completely accurate, then we mostly live in shallow work. Which also shows how difficult it is to have zero distraction. 

  • Intense focus contains, if we put all of our energy on a task at once without distractions, we can get things done very quickly. On the other hand extended duration comes in, we have to keep doing a task for a particular amount of time, It may be a little in the beginning, but we have to keep increasing it.

      • Deep work is not like that after a while or little by little, but instead of that, we have to devote ourselves to the task.

    • So now the question comes that we understood the difference between deep work and shallow work and how important it is for us to do deep work. Actually, the question is not this, but the question is how will we do deep work? So here are some very important rules on this. Which are as follows,

      Important rules to get focus

      (a). Work deeply

      • Actually, good attention will not work, but if we know how to do deep work, then we have to spend our limited willpower wisely. While doing deep work, we have to keep every distraction away from ourselves. 

      • Such as we are doing our studies, then we should neither have a mobile phone, nor paper, nor any extra book because all these things will distract us somewhere. Most of the four philosophies are given on this, any one of which we can adopt to become better in our work. which are like this, 

      • Monastic approach, 
      • Journalistic approach, 
      • Bi-model approach, 
      • Rhythmic approach 

      • Monastic approach

        • That is, as a sage, giving up everything (whatever it may be) until we achieve our goal. And many people have achieved their goals by using this technique.

        • For example, JK Rowling, when she was going to write the final book of Harry Potter, wrote the entire book away from her friends and family members. She says that many things disturbed her and she needed isolation.

        • When Bill Gates was writing the first version of BASIC in 1974, he worked on the same programming for eight weeks. When he was tired, he would sleep in the same place where he was working, and because of this software, he laid the foundation of the billion-dollar company. 

        • And many other examples have achieved success by adopting this approach.

      • Journalistic approach

        • People who spend most of their period in their work and do not have time to do deep work, they can use this technique. 

        • Whenever such people get time, they remove all their distractions and go into a highly intense focused mode. 

        • And they come back on their own accord.

      • Bi-modal approach

        • In this approach, whenever we want to do high productive work, we can move to an isolated place. And at that time we get away from all the distractions, whereas after the work is over, we come back to normal life.

        • Robert Kiyosaki used this technique to write one of his very famous books, which made him a millionaire. We can go to a library or some other quiet place to use this technique.

      • Rhythmic approach

        • In this approach, one will run on a particular time schedule and there is no distraction in it. 

        • Whereas, after that having fun for a while. And again working and studying for a particular time. 

        • In this, we can divide the time according to our comfort.

      Next Rule

      (b). Embrace boredom

      • Many of us think that we can easily interchange distraction and concentration. But this does not happen, once our brain is attracted towards distraction, then there is an urge to look at the phone again and again, or to do something else. 

      • On this, the famous author Cal says that whenever someone is craving to be distracted, then again and again consciously focus your brain towards your work. 

      • This will build up your distraction resisting muscles. And we will mostly be able to do deep work at work on a single task.

      • Therefore, whenever we start getting bored, it should not happen that we hold the mobile and start searching for useless things, but still we have to stay away from distractions and we have to improve our willpower muscles.

      • Many famous and successful people believe that we have to plan in advance, in which we can make our morning routine and it will contain what we will do throughout the day. If we take even this small step to improve ourselves, then we will be able to avoid any distractions.

      •  For example, as we know that whenever we go through a specific route. There we find some friends with whom we have to talk a lot, so we can decide in advance whether we want to go that route or not. Similarly, whether we have to use the phone or not and if we have to use it then how much? By planning in this way, we can avoid many of our distractions.

      Another Rule 

      (c). Social Media

      • We should try to stay away from social media as much as possible. Now the question must be coming to the mind of many that how is this possible? We have very good friends, if we make a distance from social media, what will they think?

      • Mostly famous and successful people believe that this is the most important step to get success. In fact, they believe that when we see social media once, when it turns into a habit, we do not even know ourselves. And due to this habit, we keep checking our phone again and again and thus it is a big distraction.

      • For this reason, it is very important to have a craftsman approach in us. This means that until we have decided that the benefits of the tool or application we are going to use are much more than its negative effects. Till then we don't have to use that tool.

      • After adopting this method for some time, we can ask ourselves the question that our time could have been better if we had used this social media tool? And did people make any difference if we did not use this social media application?

      • If considered carefully, this technique teaches us that before using any tool or application, consider its advantages or disadvantages properly.

      Another Rule

      (d). Drain the shallows

      • Once we studied too much or yesterday we studied for so long, we tell these things to someone as if we have won a big war. Whereas the famous author Cal says that to say all these things means that we are very unproductive and we are doing too much shallow work rather than doing more deep work.

      • If a person in front of us is achieving something in a short time, and we are taking a lot of time in comparison to that. So it clearly means that we are very less productive. 

      • And to increase our productivity, we have to do some things, which are as follows,

      • The most important thing for this is that we have to observe ourselves that how much time we are wasting and how much deep work we are doing. 

      • We have to observe ourselves completely that what we do, in which things we get more attention and what are the things that we need to pay attention to? 

      • After seeing and knowing all this very well, we have to bring them all in one schedule. There is no doubt that it is very difficult to follow completely, but it will give us the right direction and tell us where we need to improve ourselves.

      So Readers, How do you try these methods to get more Concentration or more focus in your work?

      Write down in the comment section if you have any suggestions, and share this post with 10 more people.


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