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Motivation to know about Technology | Cell Phone Vs Radiation | Is There Any Truth Behind This Or Not?


 Motivation to know about technology |

Cell Phone Vs Radiation |

If Not Smartphones, Then What are the other various reasons?


In this, we will cover following topics,

    • Radiation emitted from the cell phones is bad or not
    • Electromagnetic waves
    • Difference between ionizing radiation and non-ionizing radiation?
    • Is non-ionization radiation harmful for humans and animals?
    • Is there any other mechanism by which non-ionizing radiations can put harmful effect on us?
    • How cell phones are not good for us?
    • Important thing to note?
    • Write your suggestions?

  • "Radiation emitted from the cell phone towers, has an adverse effect on people as well as on everyone. The decline in the population of birds mostly in India is because of the radiation emitted from the cell phone towers."


How much Truth is there in this?

  • In this post we discuss about this, so let us begin to know,


  • In many ways, it is repetitively said that, there is radiation coming from the cell phone towers. So what is this radiation actually?


  • It is radio frequency (RF) waves, when our phone uses different generations such as 3G, 4G, or more. It communicates with the cell phone towers through radio frequency waves. Radio frequency waves are a type of electromagnetic waves. To understand this, we have to refer back to class 12th physics book. If anyone from you remembers, the topic was related to electromagnetic waves.



  • Electromagnetic waves are produced by the vibrations of electric field and magnetic field. This is a type of energy propagation. It takes energy from one place to another. It is seen occurring naturally as well as artificially in many places. 



  • One of the best example of electromagnetic waves is light. Light is an EM wave, and If anyone remember the Electromagnetic Spectrum, it is a way to classify various Electromagnetic waves, based on their frequency and wavelength. It follows as,



(a)    Waves that have the longest wavelength are radio waves, ranging from a few meters to a few kilometers.


(b)    Then are the microwaves with wavelength of a few centimeters. Our microwave has microwaves in it. If concentrated at a place, they produce heat.


(c)    Then are the infrared waves which are used in remote controlled TVs.


(d)    Then is the visible light which you can see all around you. Their wavelength ranges from 350-700 nano-meter. Different colors have different wavelengths.


(e)    Then comes the UV rays. Frequency starts to increase from here. X-rays and gamma rays follow UV rays.


Difference between ionizing radiation 
and non-ionizing radiation?


  • Electromagnetic waves after the visible light are troublesome. Because their frequency is so high, and their wavelength is so small, they can break chemical bonds inside a molecule. Which is why, they are called ionizing radiation.



  • Ionizing radiation is very harmful for humans and animals alike as they can penetrate into our DNA and break their chemical bonds. Causing mutations in the cells and can eventually lead to major disease. As the frequency of the electromagnetic waves increases, they become more dangerous. The radio activity emitted from nuclear material is the most dangerous. Because, the frequency of that radiation, and its power, both are very high.



  • So now the question arises, whether the EM waves before the visible light, known as non-ionizing radiation.



Is non-ionization radiation harmful for humans and animals?


  • No scientific conclusion has been reached on it yet. Some researches state the effects of being exposed to non-ionizing radiation at high levels for a long amount of time. Other researches state that there are no harmful effect on humans and animals. But scientists and experts agree that non-ionization radiation definitely cannot cause form of disease, using the same mechanisms as ionizing radiations.


But is there any other mechanism by which non-ionizing radiations can be put bad effect on us?


  • It is being researched. The scientists claim that the heat produced by the non-ionizing radiation, like in the microwave, where the heat cooks the food, this heat, if concentrated in high powers on human tissues, can cause burns. 

  • Basically, it has the potential to cause burns if anyone is exposed to the heat produced by any non-ionizing radiations for prolonged periods. This is why various Government agencies have set radiation limits for cell phones and cell phone towers. They do not want the heating effects from non-ionizing radiation to get so much that people suffer burns. 

  • Cell phones should not exceed radiation limit of 1.6 watts per kilogram limit, this limit is less than the radiation which would result in actual heat production.



  • So, it is not harmful. The chances of any long term bad effects, because of using cell phones are low. The simple reason for this is, if anyone take population of the world as a sample size, he would see the rise in the cell phone usage in the last two to three decades. Number of people using cell phones has risen exponentially. Whereas, there are no such diseases which have seen exponential increase in those years. 



  • There is not any type of major disease cases which saw an immense increase, same for minor other disease. 


  • And, best example for this is smoking rates and cases of lung diseases. Probably, many people have notice that the lung diseases are at the same rate as compared to smoking. This tells us that smoking and lung diseases have a direct relation. The countries with high rates of smoking have high rates of lung diseases too. In many well populated countries, more than half of male population smoke, so the lung diseases rate is very high there.



  • Another best example shows the same type of relation, in Ultraviolet radiation and various forms of problems.



  • Overall, chances of radiation from cell phones harming us are not very much high. However, if anyone still wants to minimize this radiation, then do not put cell phone to ears while answering. Because, more closer to cell phones, more radiation will be produce. Even a little distance would minimize the radiation. That is not the promotion of cell phone usage.



How cell phones are not good for us?

  • Addiction to anything is always bad, and in case of smart phones, it is very bad. Because, the mental issues or problems associated with it, we should definitely use cell phones only when needed or vital. Now people are addicted to their smart phones, so recommendation is not to overuse cell phones.



  • Because, scientifically, maybe smart phones do not effect directly, but smart phones gives facility in very much better way. So, either children or adults become easily addicted towards it. Whereas, in past, people putted water for birds or animals. That is now decreasing in rapid manner and the reason behind is smart phones.



  • Even most of the children like to play games in smart phones instead of outside in fresh also healthy air. Fresh air or exercise is very much important for good health.



Moreover, If these are not exact reason behind this diversity, then what is the reason for it?


  • Researchers say that, there is no conclusive scientific evidence stating that cell phone towers are the reason behind the decline in bird population. Which means, there are larger forces at play here, causing the decline in bird population. And one of the biggest among them is harmful pesticides, which in turn has led to decline in insect population.



  • Since insects are the food for birds, birds cannot feed properly. Hence their population is also declining. Not only in one country, but all over the world, this population has started declining. Invasive species are also the main factors.



  • And other obvious reasons are urbanization, deforestation, change in climate, and pollution is another important factor behind this decline. Which, many people feel that it is very valid in different-different countries.



  • Wildlife conservation is very important environmental topic for the whole world. Therefore, plant more and more trees, say no to pollution, not to use excessive pesticides and it is good to promote organic farming. 




  • Moreover, cell phones putted effect or not, it is not scientifically proved. 



  • But, thing is excessive use of anything is always not good, because it become addiction. Mostly, people know that, what are the bad effects of any addiction.



  • Therefore, use only, when it is needed or vital. Stay safe and always be healthy.



 Write down below, how much do you use your smart phone, according to daily basis?


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