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Motivation | Why People Love Self Motivated People | What Are The Characteristics Of Motivated People


Why do people love self motivated people? Also what is motivation after all?

What are the characteristics of motivated people?



"If a person really want to be successful,

then begin focusing on what he can do"

  • Before understanding this question completely, we would like to discuss with you, a study which is very interesting also fun. 



  • And that study was done at Columbia University in 1998. A professor did this study, in which there were many children, and all of them were children of Sixth Standard. Those children were given a variety of puzzles to solve, while some of the puzzles were very difficult and some were very easy. After that, when those children solved those given puzzles, all those children were told the same thing by the teacher, that you did very well.


  • There was only a small difference here, they told half the children that you children performed so extraordinarily because you are very intelligent. And the other half of the children were told that your hard work was the reason for the extraordinary performance you did.


  • Then after that again all these children were given some more puzzles to solve, in which again some were very easy and some were very difficult. Now, here comes something very interesting, which no one had even expected. 



  • Those children who were told that you are very intelligent, very smart. When they got those puzzles, what did they do? They left those difficult puzzles. Started working on easy puzzles and after a while, those kids got bored. 



  • On the other hand, the children who were told that you did so much extraordinary performance because you worked hard. He not only attempted the easy puzzles but also attempted and solved the difficult to difficult ones. Then after that, when this whole study was completed, those children were asked who had more fun? in doing this.

  • So those children who were told that you are very intelligent, did not enjoy it. That is, they were not motivated. And those children who were told that whatever you did, you did it because of your hard work. Not only did they perform well, but those kids were also motivated till the end and they enjoyed it too.

Locus Of Control 

  • Now this study, about which you all just came to know, is so interesting because it challenges the pattern of thinking in the way almost everyone thinks. What do many people think if they are older, and they will tell their children that they are too intelligent, or that they are too smart? So he will perform better than this. 



  • But in this study, the whole opposite has come out. So the facts revealed in this study. In order to understand that, in fact, we have to understand a concept. The concept is called locus of control.


  • What happened that in reality the children who were told that you are very smart, are very intelligent. locus of control they had was not inside them all, it was outside them, whereas locus means the center of control. Meaning that if they are all smart, or if they are intelligent, then they have no role of their own in this, they are out of their control.

  • On the other hand, the children who were told that whatever you achieved, they achieved because of their hard work. The locus of control they had was within those children, that is, the hard work was completely in their own hands. Now it is up to them how hard they work.

  • It has not only come out in this study but there have been many other studies like this, many types of researches have been done. Where Exact the same thing has come out, that if we want to keep ourselves motivated always. So there is only one way for that, that which control should be completely in our own hands. Now let us try to understand that, what happens that the control goes out of our hands and what happens that the control comes back in our hands?

What is self motivation?

  • Actually whenever we think about external factors, that we are not able to do so due to any reason. So the control goes out of our hands. But when we talk or think about what we can do exactly, when we talk or think about our capabilities, then the control is completely in our hands. When our focus is not on those reasons, because of which we cannot do what we want to do.   



  •  Rather it is in that place because of which we can do what we want to do. So now we are motivated from the inside and this is also called self motivation.

  • And, it is also one of the reasons why people love self-motivated people, because  of their characteristics that they never allow their focus to wander.



  •  And moreover, the dedication of their work also encourages others to work hard and get success. 

For example, 


  • One person is in a field to earn something and there are some people in that field who are sitting in the top position. So what are the options for him?

  • Either that person can say that those people have something special in them, there is something extra ordinary in them, there is some talent which is not in that person, or it is their luck because of which they are sitting there, something else. If that person said or thought anything from this, then that person cannot remain motivated to do the work that he would be doing. Because now the control is not in the hands of that person, and now he does not have full faith in his talent.


  • But if that person thinks that in whatever field he is in, whoever is on the top in that field. They are there, either because of their hard work or their smart work or because of what they learned. If those people can do it, he can work hard too. Those also started from here, from where he is doing. So now the control is completely in his hands. And one of the  characteristics of motivated people is that the control is always in their hands. 



What we can learn from the above instance?


  • So we always have these options, either we leave the control from our hands or take the control completely in our hands. One is that our control is outside, while the other is that the control is completely inside.


Thing to remember is that our control should be completely in inside, not outside.


So, write down things which you learned from this?


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